28 febbraio 2006

International Working Womens Day [8th March] Actions organised by Maoist Communist Party Of Italy & Revolutionary Working Class Womens Movement

PCm-Italy inform: 8 march in Italy

women workers and proletarians women in important cities of south italy Palermo Taranto and in factories of north italy milano-bergamo-ravenna struggle with strike, sit-in-demonstration

honour to worker women of bangladesh, that as her sisters in Chicago 1908 are killed for imperialist and capitalist explotation. Their sacrifice impulse the big struggle of women against imperialist system for conquer a world without chains, communism !

mfpr@libero.it - 347/5301704


Si ripete, quasi simbolicamente vicino all'8 marzo, quello che successe quasi un secolo fa, quando proprio in questa giornata morirono bruciate 125 operaie in una altra fabbrica tessile a New York.

Quando è scoppiato l'incendio nella K.T.S. Texitile Mills del Bangladesh gli operai, la maggiorparte donne, non hanno potuto neanche fuggire per salvarsi, i padroni avevano bloccato le porte. Tante sono morte bruciate, ma altre sono morte perchè hanno cercato di buttarsi dalle finestre, e centinaia di lavoratrici ancora versa in pericolo di vita. Per le operaie di Dacca, invece, si è trattata di una morte annunciata, perchè da tempo si sapeva che la fabbrica, dove lavorano 200 persone, poteva crollare.

Per le donne, per le operaie non è cambiato niente, da New York al paese da terzo mondo, stesso sfruttamento, stesso lavoro in condizioni bestiali, di totale insicurezza, stessi padroni che le chiudono a chiave nella fabbrica, allora nel 1908 per bloccare in questo modo la protesta contro le condizioni in cui erano costrette a lavorare le operaie, oggi per impedire che qualcuno abbandonasse il lavoro.

I profitti dei padroni delle multinazionali si fanno sulla vita delle operaie.

Contro chi nei prossimi giorni si ricorderà dell'8 marzo solo per festeggiare ipocritamente le donne, mentre in tutto il mondo, dall'avanzato Occidente ai paesi del terzo mondo le ricaccia in un moderno medioevo; contro chi nel nostro paese penserà l'8 marzo solo a rastrellare consensi delle donne per le vicine elezioni, NOI DEL MOVIMENTO FEMMINISTA PROLETARIO RIVOLUZIONARIO CHIAMIAMO TUTTE LE OPERAIE, TUTTE LE LAVORATRICI, TUTTE LE DONNE PROLETARIE, SFRUTTATE E OPPRESSE AD ALZARE FORTE LA LORO PROTESTA, A SCENDERE IN SCIOPERO, A LOTTARE PER UN MONDO SENZA PIÙ PADRONI.

Questo sarà il nostro impegno di solidarietà e di stessa lotta con le nostre sorelle del Bangladesh!

mfpr@libero.it - 347/5301704

25 febbraio 2006

Against false solidarity with People's War in Nepal [Joint Statement by WPRM(Italia), Rossoperaio, & proletari comunisti]

contro la falsa solidarietà con la guerra popolare in Nepal

Da Proletari Comunisti n.30 gennaio-febbraio 2006

“È partita da Amburgo il 21 gennaio una grande campagna europea di solidarietà con la guerra popolare in Nepal promossa dal World People’s Resistance Movement Europa (WPRM) che si concluderà in Francia o Svizzera il 15 febbraio dopo aver attraversato oltre 15 città e 11 paesi europei. I Comitati Solidarietà Nepal hanno rilanciato in Italia con iniziative in tre città al Nord Massa il 26 gennaio, al Centro, Roma, il 30 e al Sud, Palermo, il 28”.

“Una campagna apocrifa e parassitaria

In Italia ci sono forze che invece di unirsi e sostenere la campagna internazionale appoggiata dagli stessi compagni nepalesi (tramite l'organismo WPRM), hanno lanciato in diverse città loro iniziative contemporanee, parallele e in concorrenza con le nostre, con l’evidente scopo di boicottarle.

Perché, per chi lavorano costoro? Certo non rendono un servizio al popolo nepalese né tanto meno agiscono secondo il metodo del sostegno alla rivoluzione che gli stessi nepalesi indicano.
Non possiamo escludere del tutto la buona fede di alcune forze e individui coinvolti nel "comitato promotore per una campagna a sostegno della guerra popolare in Nepal", ma di certo fra questi spicca il gruppuscolo a nome "Collettivo Comunista A. Gramsci" di Trento le cui stesse pubblicazioni dimostrano come usi e abusi della guerra popolare in Nepal, piegandola a quella che sembra essere la ragione principale della loro esistenza: fare la guerra a proletari comunisti, al progetto di partito che incarna alle esperienze di mobilitazione che realizza.

Il cuore degli articoli del foglio "Maoismo Nepal" che questo gruppo pubblica non è l’informazione e documentazione delle lotte e conquiste della rivoluzione in Nepal, per dare strumenti a tutti quelli che possono e vogliono unirsi e contribuire alla lotta di quel popolo e organizzarne la mobilitazione e l’iniziativa concreta e visibile, ma piuttosto la settaria e in certi accenti reazionaria critica delle posizioni di proletari comunisti e dei Comitati Solidarietà Nepal, che nello specifico corrispondono esattamente all’impostazione che a livello internazionale tutti gli organismi di solidarietà, nepalesi compresi, come dimostrano non le chiacchiere o il millantato credito ma la realtà contundente dei fatti.

Facendo una distorta e apologetica propaganda di alcune posizioni ideologiche del PCN(M), che ne nega di fatto il contenuto rivoluzionario, parassitariamente, cercano di presentarsi come i più fedeli e genuini interpreti del "cammino Prachanda" contro i vizi di linea analisi e ideologia di proletari comunisti per costruirsi un credito che non hanno né meritano, per ostentare falsamente relazioni inesistenti, il tutto a scapito di uno sviluppo popolare della solidarietà con la rivoluzione in Nepal.

Vogliamo sia chiaro a tutti che, quali che siano le intenzioni di alcuni, non è possibile ignorare ancora la natura di questi personaggi e il carattere nocivo per la solidarietà con la guerra popolare in Nepal senza trarne le conseguenze”.

[translation to English by Carl John:]
against false solidarity with the popular war in Nepal

from "Proletari comunisti" n.30 January-February 2006

“A great European Campaign of solidarity with the popular war in Nepal departed from Hamburg on January 21 promoted by the World People's Resistance Movement Europe (WPRM) and will conclude later in France or Switzerland on February 15 after having crossed more than 15 cities and 11 European countries. The Committees Solidarity Nepal relaunched in Italy with initiatives in three cities: Massa in North Italy on January 26, Rome in the Center on 30 and Palermo in South, on 28”.

"An apocryphal and parasitical campaign of solidarity:

in Italy there are forces that, instead of joining together and sustaining the international campaign supported by the same comrades of Nepal (through the organism WPRM), launched in different cities their contemporary initiatives, parallel and in competition with ours, with the evident purpose to boycott ours.

Why ? Whom are they working for? Certainly they don't make a service to the Nepalese people, neither they act accordingly to the method of the support to the revolution that the same Nepalis point out.

We cannot completely exclude the good faith of some forces and individuals involved in the "promoting committee for a campaign to support the popular war in Nepal", but certainly the little group "Collettivo Comunista Antonio Gramsci" stands out from the others, whose publications show as they make use and abuse of the popular war in Nepal, bending it to what seems to be the principal reason for their existence: to make war to "Proletari Comunisti", to the project of party that they embody, to the experiences of mobilization that they realize.

The heart of the articles of the sheet "MaoismoNepal", that this group publishes, is not the information and documentation of the struggles and conquests of the revolution in Nepal, to give tools to all those that want to joint together and to contribute to the struggle of that people and to organize the mobilization and the concrete and visible initiative of it, but rather the sectarian and, in certain accents reactionary criticism against the positions of "Proletari comunisti" and the "Comitati di solidarietà Nepal", that exactly corresponds, in the specific of Italy, to the formulation that at international level all the organisms of solidarity, Nepalesi included, as - not the chatters or the boasted credit but the blunt reality of the facts - shows.

The "Collettivo Comunista Antonio Gramsci" making a distorted and apologetic propaganda of some ideological positions of the PCN(M), that denies the revolutionary content of it, they - in a parasitical way- try to present themselves as the most trustworthy and genuine interpreters of the " Prachanda Path" against the vices of line analysis and ideology of "Proletari comunisti" to build a credit that they don't have neither they deserve, to falsely display nonexistent relationships, all this against development of the solidarity with the revolution in Nepal.

We want to clear to everybody that, whatever are the intentions of some, it is no longer possible to ignore the nature of these characters and the harmful character for the solidarity with the popular war in Nepal without drawing consequences".

24 febbraio 2006

int'l meeting in Paris 29-30 Apr 2006: From the Riot of the Banlieues To the Proletarian Revolution [PCm-Italy news]

Call for an international meeting in Paris the 29th and 30th of April 2006

From the Riot of the Banlieues
To the Proletarian Revolution

In France, at the hart of the imperialist countries, the uprising in the banlieues lift up the lead-cap weighing on the youth in the popular outskirts.

Each party and the classes they represent had to take position before this uprising. They all exposed such violence and called for the calm, the right and extreme right forces did it in a reactionary, fascistic way; the leaderships of the left and extreme left official parties and
organizations, as a whole, did it in an anticommunist way; while the religious hierarchies
were trying to bring back the youth "à la raison".

According them what is necessary, is even more means and measures to surround the youth and militarily occupy the banlieues. First they need strengthen the local police, to make massive its presence, to turn everyone into a cop and to use the more people is possible as informer and
spies. They need every kind of "animateurs" to bring back the "lost kids" to the right way and make them to accept their promises of jobs. Actually they carry forward a plan of massive control and suppression, a police state.

It is the politics of using "masses against masses". It is the class collaboration, the put into the practice of a new form of fascism.

The bourgeoisie launched its war against the proletariat. The "war against the terrorism" is just a false pretext. It is a low intensity war.

The bourgeoisie hold all those reformists as reasonable "social partners" on whom it can rely for the alternation in the government, and to destroy or to channel the uprising in the banlieues.

The bourgeoisie, its governments and collaborators of every tendency are afraid, because not only in the banlieues of the imperialist countries the proletarian the people's masses youth rebel themselves, also the peoples throughout the world raise up against the invasions, the occupations and the exploitation.

These national liberation struggles and the people's war led by the Maoist parties serve the interests of the international proletariat.

The European Union, as part of the worldwide process of capitalist restructuring and the new world division amongst the imperialist powers, applies measures against the workers and the people's masses: precariousness, unemployment, price-increase, destruction of the social services, super-exploitation of the migrants, rise of the poverty. All this causes an increasing dissatisfaction that grows up to the uprising.

This uprising needs to be transformed in revolution to overthrow the bourgeois dictatorship and to put the proletariat at the power.

In France, in Europe and in all the imperialist country we need to build, genuine revolutionary Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties that pursue the aim to wage the prolonged revolutionary warfare for the seizure of the power of the proletariat. The uprising of the young people has shown that this way is possible in France as in all the imperialist countries. It needs to prepare
the next stage.

Bring your stone for the building !

We invite you to participate the international meeting that will take place in Paris the 29th and 30th of April 2006

Contact us for information and participation !
La Nuova Bandiera : ro.red@libero.it
Le Drapeau Rouge : drapeaurouge@yahoo.fr

with support
Secours Rouge - France

09 febbraio 2006

10th Anniversary of People's War in Nepal: Statement by the COMMUNIST MAOIST PARTY - ITALY

We salute on behalf of the proletariat and the popular masses, youth and women, militants and revolutionary and anti imperialist forces in our country, the 10th anniversary of the glorious beginning of the people's war in Nepal guided by the CPN(M), that following the Prachanda Path is applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the concrete conditions of Nepal.

The beginning of revolutionary war in Nepal, 9 years ago, has drawn, from the Andean to Himalaya, the red thread of retaking the people's war indicated by Mao Tsetung as a universal path valid in each country for overthrowing the imperialist system and for the advent on a world scale of socialism and communism.

The people's war in Nepal has displayed to the world that on the legs of people's wars goes the achievement of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and in particular of Maoism, and at the same time the achievement of the aggregation point of marxist-leninist-maoist parties and organizations of the world, the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement

The people's war in Nepal has shaken to its foundations not only the feudal regime of the Nepalese monarchy submitted to the imperialism, but the whole political and social contest of Asia, triggering off and feeding the path of people's war in the whole area and the construction and development of Maoist, communist parties.

It's a heavy blow to imperialism that influences the world balance of forces between revolution and counterrevolution. Here is the striking affirmation that the principal contradiction in the world today is between imperialism and oppressed peoples, and that revolution is the main tendency in the world.

And it is not only a blow given to imperialism. But first of all it is a deadly blow to revisionism and opportunism that in different ways and with different arguments support the parliamentarian and peaceful path, which, as always, serves only to accompany and strengthen the power of imperialism and of the reactionary regimes on proletarians and peoples.

We salute the strategic offensive, that puts on the agenda the conquest of power on a national scale, for the creation of a new democracy, the Nepalese peoples republic, marching towards socialism.

The strategic offensive of the people's war moves itself dialectically with the resistance of peoples, in particular in the area that today is the epicentre of world situation, the middle east, from Iraq to Palestine; and all together they demonstrate that it is not the imperialism that is on the offensive but, instead, the proletarians and the peoples.

In the very heart of imperialist countries, imperialism and its lackeys try to pass over in silence the advancing of the people's war in Nepal, so as they have already done, and continue, with the people's war in Peru and with every and each revolutionary struggle that marches on this path. They know very well that the revolutionary message coming from the peoples wars guided by Maoists serves and feeds the preparations and the beginning of peoples wars even in the very heart of the imperialist countries, first of all through the ideological and political nourishment that it gives to the constitution and construction of new Maoist, communist parties for peoples' war.

This process finds in the Communist Maoist Party in Italy its banner, and its point of reference and perspective.

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the people's war in Nepal, to support it in all forms, it means first of all and principally to make people's war, make revolution in own country, focus attention and affirm the triumphant force of Maoism, uniting in the practice of revolution the two currents of the world proletarian revolution: the proletariat of the imperialist countries and the by imperialism oppressed peoples.

Revisionism and opportunism fight against this process, they work to divide and oppose the peoples wars, to separate authentic Maoist communist parties in both epicentres of revolution. Revisionism and opportunism, although if they hail solidarity to peoples' war, they does it to give a coating of Maoism to a line that negates the creative application in own country.

That march forward of the popular masses in Nepal, and within it, the enthusiastic advancing of the Nepalese women, is greeted in our country with different initiatives of proletarians, women, youth in person, who, there where our party is present, organize enthusiastic and struggling meetings, embodying the authentic spirit of proletarian internationalism, that is, the unity, the real embrace of proletarians and masses who are constructing, in the midst of struggles and peoples' war, a world without imperialism and exploitation, without wars and oppressions, a world of freedom and democracy of masses that embodies in a society that stays in the hands of the proletariat and in the communism.

The hated Nepalese king regime as sign of desperation, the attempt to invert the march of the history of Nepalese people and to call and accelerate the direct intervention of Yankee imperialism and Indian hegemonism. A desperate move that will accelerate its defeat. A call up to arms for the imperialism that throws back to itself because it appeals to mobilization and to support to the peoples' war the proletarians and the masses of the world.

That's what we do now, what we will do always more and to what we call parties and organizations of each orientation in our country and on a world scale.







