21 aprile 2008

Message of Congratulations TO THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF NEPAL (MAOIST) (in English)

To the comrade Prachanda
To the Central Committee of the CPN (M)

We extend our great joy for the victory that your party won in the historic elections for the Constituent Assembly.

The advanced proletarians, the anti-imperialist movements, the youth and women, revolutionary and progressive organizations welcomed with enthusiasm the news coming form Nepal, and drew strength and confidence in the class struggle in our country.

The electoral success is the fruit of ten years of people’s war and development of the political struggle of the Nepali masses.

The democratic revolution advances and the new Nepal begins to turn into reality.

The proletarians and the people of the world must defend the advances in Nepal before all the attacks from the imperialism and the reaction.

It is the victory of the application of the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the concrete reality of Nepal, synthesized by the “Pracanhda path”.

It is the proof of the ability of the Maoist communist parties in the world to draw lessons from the advances as well as form the defeats.

The revolution in Nepal teaches that when the proletarian and the masses are lead by a communist party that applies the concrete analysis of the concrete situation, the mass line, they can advance and win.

We met your Party and your leaders in Nepal and in Italy. We strengthened our unity and drew inspiration for the difficult and complex battle to build the party in our country and generally in the imperialist countries.

In the historic Seminar of December 2006, the development of the analysis of imperialism, the summing up of the experience of the international communist movement and the socialism, the battle for the revolution in the 21st century, had a first important reflection, because it draws richness from actual advances of the Nepali revolution and the theoretical, political and practical contribution to the science of the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism brought by the Communist Party of Nepal and the comrade Prachanda.

The struggle for the new democracy in Nepal is integrant part of the wave of the world proletarian revolution. The best support to the Nepali revolution is to advance in the revolutionary struggle on the heart of the countries of the globalized imperialism, applying to the concrete reality of these countries the science of the revolution and so developing.

Long live the Nepali People!
Long live the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)!
Long live the proletarian internationalism!

Partito Comunista maoista – Italia
April 2008

Pcm-Italy declaration about Nepal

From the highest top of the world a red banner shines victorious.

It's the flag of Maoism. It's the flag of people's war and of the political struggle guided by Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist).

It's a call to proletarians and peoples of the world to see that another path is possible. To win is possible!

The extraordinary electoral success of the Maoists in Nepal frightens imperialists and their media all over the world.

The people's war in Nepal, from the American imperialism inserted in their proscription lists as "terrorist threats" so far, has demonstrated to be able to win first of all on the military terrain conquering the 80% of the territory, smashing the reactionary army guided by the dictatorial monarchical regime sustained by world imperialism and Indian hegemonism; then to be able to win also on the electoral terrain, smashing all other parties put together, from the monarchical extreme right to the phoney communist left, basing itself on the masses, youth, women, working class and its mass organizations.

A People's Liberation Army, a united front, an authentically communist party guided by the Marxism-leninism-maoism sagaciously applied to the concrete reality, has till now performed a miracle, in the sphere of an imperialist system which leads an infinity war against the peoples of the world and in the ambit of a country pressed between the two emerging powers, India and China.

The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) guided by comrade Prachanda, bearing in mind the experiences of the anti imperialist struggle and people's war - drawing lessons from experience of the people's war in Peru guided by the Communist Party of Peru and its leader Presidente Gonzalo - has innovated in war, politics, organization, the implementation of Marxism-leninism-maoism, and achieved a first great result, the strategic and tactical lessons of which are useful and important for all genuine communists in the world.

We communist proletarians engaged in the construction of the Communist Party Maoist in Italy make part always of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement of which the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) is a leading component, and we are proud to have been those who, totally in countertendency with reformist, revisionist and phoney parties, so as with the leading political anti-globalization ranks, have supported and tried to let know the people's war in Nepal, the advanced, sophisticated, profound elaboration of PCN (Maoist) - let to know the extraordinary role of women through the elaboration of comrade Parvati - so as the role played also at international level of the Nepalese revolution in south Asia, with the development of people's war in the heart of the Indian giant. The current results of the Maoists in Nepal encourage and inspire us in applying to the different conditions of an imperialist country, the theory of the proletarian revolution.

Now it is necessary to support the Nepalese revolution in a much more strong and determined way in front of US imperialism and of the India and China powers plans to stop it, to domesticate and stifle it, but above all it is necessary to call on communists, advanced proletarians and anti-imperialists to know, to analyse thoroughly, to measure themselves with the advance of the Maoism in Nepal.

avril 2008

May first joint declaration by Maoist Parties (Italy, France and Turkey / North Kurdistan) in English

Against imperialism, against modern fascism, struggle, organize and construct the party

On this 1st May imperialism is on the defensive as it confrontes with the peoples' resistance in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Kurdistan and all over the world. Bush's infinity war hasn't succeed. The imperialist economic and financial crisis will be discharged on proletarians and the poorest popular masses, misery and hunger expand also, but also the revolt expand against the hunger and misery guided by the working class, from Egypt to Tunisia, from Philippines to India and Vietnam.

Peoples' war continues and are confronted with particular situations in each country. In Nepal peoples' war advances and trough the political struggle too, Maoists gain elections and march towards a revolution of a new democracy. In Peru and Turkey the peoples' war reorganize itself so as to retake new impulse. People's war advances in India, in south Asia trough the constitution of new Maoist parties (Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, etc.) too.

Contradictions among imperialist grow and imperialist Europe looks forward its political-military union so as to be stronger and more influent in the competition for energy, market, control of raw materials, and the new ascending powers, India and China.

In the European countries advances in different forms the attack against the life and work conditions of proletarians, proletarian masses; racism and xenophobia advance, attacks also by clerical against women, class reforms of the school, cut in social spending, lodgements, precarisation of labour and life.

In Italy and France a tendency toward the regime advances; it develops a modern fascism and police's state, of which Sarkozy and Berlusconi are a clear model.

The imperialist state develops repression against popular struggles, develops a security politics militarizing the suburbs, while put in practise the criminalization of revolutionary communist forces.

In front of all this, reformist parties, the official trade union leadership try to promote themselves as opponents, but in the essence they converge and support the government plans in every field.

Against this situation the proletarians and the masses develop a fighting movement.

In France the social revolt of the "banlieues" smoulders every day under the ashes through frequent explosions. In the factories in France and in Italy there is a strike movement for better salaries, defence of pensions, against precariousness, production delocalization that origins dismissals. In France there is a good renewal of student movement that returns on the struggle of the antiCpe movement; so as the "sans papier" struggles and all the social sectors are moving. In Italy has retaken vigour the women movement with huge demonstrations against sexual violence and clerico-fascist attacks to the law of abortion. In Naples a strong popular mass opposition continues against the state and national and local governments which have provoked the "rubbish crisis" and the grave attack to the health and life of population. Continues the popular protests against the extension works of the USA's base of Vicenza. So as in all Europe there is a development of workers struggles, in Germany, in Italy and first of all in the east European countries, Poland, Rumania, and also Russia.

In this situation which are the tasks of the, authentically revolutionary, Maoist communist parties?
  • To advance in their building/construction amid the fire of class struggle strictly linked with the masses.
  • To intervene on the basis of the concrete analysis of the concrete situation so as to be linked to the workers
  • vanguards and of the mass movement.
  • To construct base organisms for the class syndicate and their coordination.
  • To install amid the rebel youth of the imperialist banlieues, constructing youth revolutionary organisms.
  • To give support and orientation to the student struggles, immigrants, lodgement occupants, to the popular struggles on the territories against military bases, pollution and environmental deterioration.
  • Strengthen and expand women's struggles, constructing a revolutionary proletarian feminist movement.
  • To struggle against repression, in developing campaigns and Red Aid organisms.
  • On the international level to support all antimperialist struggles and peoples' wars.
  • To contribute to a new unity among communist parties on the basis on the proletarian internationalism, the assertion of Marxism-Leninism Maoism, the path to revolution.

Communist Party Maoist-Italy
Communist Party Maoist-France
Communist Party Maoist-Turkey North Kurdistan
1st May 2008

20 aprile 2008


Translation in english in preparation and shall be distributed soon.


Al compagno Prachanda
Al Comitato Centrale del PCN (M)

Esprimiamo grande gioia per la vittoria conseguita dal vostro partito nelle storiche elezioni per l'Assemblea Costituente.

I proletari avanzati, i movimenti antimperialisti, le organizzazioni giovanili e femminili rivoluzionarie e progressiste hanno accolto con entusiasmo le notizie provenienti dal Nepal, traendone forza e fiducia nella lotta di classe nel nostro paese.

La vittoria elettorale è il frutto di dieci anni di guerra popolare e di sviluppo della lotta politica delle masse nepalesi.
La rivoluzione democratica avanza, il nuovo Nepal comincia a diventare realtà.
I proletari e i popoli del mondo devono difendere gli avanzamenti in Nepal da tutti gli attacchi dell'imperialismo e della reazione.

E' la vittoria dell'applicazione del marxismo-leninismo-maoismo alla realtà concreta del Nepal, sintetizzata dal 'cammino Prachanda'.
E' la dimostrazione della capacità dei partiti comunisti maoisti nel mondo di saper trarre lezioni dalle avanzate come dalle sconfitte.
La rivoluzione nepalese insegna che quando i proletari e le masse sono guidate da un partito comunista che applica l'analisi concreta alla situazione concreta, la linea di massa, sono in grado di avanzare e conseguire vittorie.

Abbiamo incontrato il vostro partito e i vostri dirigenti in Nepal come in Italia. Abbiamo rafforzato la nostra unità e abbiamo tratto incoraggiamento nella difficile e complessa battaglia per la costruzione del partito nel nostro paese e nei paesi imperialisti in generale.

Nello storico seminario del dicembre 2006 lo sviluppo dell'analisi dell'imperialismo, il bilancio dell'esperienza del movimento comunista internazionale e del socialismo, la battaglia per la rivoluzione nel 21° secolo, hanno avuto una prima importante riflessione perchè essa fa tesoro degli avanzamenti reali della rivoluzione nepalese e dei contributi teorici, politici e pratici alla scienza marxista-leninista-maoista apportati dal partito comunista del Nepal e dal compagno Prachanda.

La lotta per la Nuova Democrazia in Nepal è parte integrante della nuova ondata della rivoluzione proletaria mondiale. Il miglior sostegno alla rivoluzione nepalese è avanzare nella lotta rivoluzionaria nel cuore dei paesi dell'imperialismo globalizzato, applicare alla realtà concreta di questi paesi la scienza della rivoluzione, sviluppandola.


Partito Comunista maoista – Italia

aprile 2008

07 aprile 2008

[in French] Joint May Day statement (Maoist Parties of France, Italy, Turkey / North Kurdistan)


Ce 1er Mai, l’impérialisme est sur la défensive à cause de la résistance des peuples en Irak, en Afghanistan et dans le monde entier. La guerre infinie de Bush est un échec.

Les guerres populaires ne se sont pas arrêtées et affrontent des situations diverses selon les pays. Au Népal, la guerre populaire est en passe de l’emporter à travers la lutte politique, comme le disent les Népalais. Au Pérou, la guerre populaire se réorganise et se poursuit. Elle avance en Inde, dans le Sud asiatique avec la constitution de nouveaux partis maoïstes (Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, etc.)

Les contradictions s’accentuent entre les impérialistes. L’Europe impérialiste cherche son unité politico-militaire pour avoir plus d’influence dans la compétition pour l'énergie, le marché, le contrôle des matières premières, et se mesurer aux nouvelles puissances émergentes, l’Inde, la Chine, pays où se développe la lutte de classes. Dans les pays européens sous diverses formes l’attaque contre les conditions de vie, de travail des prolétaires, des masses populaires en général, se poursuit ; le racisme, la xénophobie s’amplifient ainsi que les attaques cléricales contre les femmes ; les réformes de la classe dirigeante s’attaquent aux écoles, portent des coups aux minima sociaux, aux allocations, renforcent la précarisation dans le travail et dans la vie en général.

En France et en Italie se fait jour un régime développant un fascisme moderne et un Etat policier, dont Sarkozy est un symbole évident. L’Etat impérialiste développe la répression contre les luttes populaires, installe une politique sécuritaire en militarisant les quartiers et en criminalisant les forces communistes révolutionnaires. Face à cela, les partis réformistes, les directions syndicales officielles cherchent à se faire accréditer comme des opposants, mais dans le fond, ils sont de connivence avec le gouvernement et soutiennent tous ses plans (par exemple dans les domaines de la politique économique, de la sécurité et de la répression).

Contre cette situation se développe un mouvement de lutte des prolétaires et des masses. La révolte sociale dans les banlieues couve tous les jours sous les cendres avec de fréquentes explosions. Des usines est parti un mouvement de grèves pour les salaires, la défense des retraites, contre la délocalisation de la production et les licenciements qui en résultent. Il y a un bon redémarrage du mouvement étudiant qui reprend la lutte du mouvement anti-CPE. De nombreuses autres luttes se développent en France, celle des sans-papiers par exemple. Tous les secteurs sociaux sont en mouvement. Les luttes ouvrières se développent dans toute l’Europe, en Allemagne, en Italie et par-dessus tout dans les pays de l’Est, en Pologne, en Roumanie et même en Russie.

Dans cette situation, quelles sont les tâches des partis communistes révolutionnaires, authentiques, maoïstes?
  • Avancer dans leur édification/construction dans le feu de la lutte de classe en lien étroit avec les masses.
  • Intervenir sur la base de l’analyse concrète des situations concrètes pour se lier à l’avant-garde ouvrière et aux mouvements de masses.
  • Construire les organismes de base pour un syndicat de classe et les coordonner.
  • S’implanter parmi les jeunes des banlieues, en construisant des organisations révolutionnaires de la jeunesse.
  • Apporter un soutien et une orientation aux luttes des étudiants, des sans-papiers, de ceux qui occupent les logements vides etc.
  • Lutter contre la répression, développer des campagnes et un Secours Rouge.
  • Sur le plan international, soutenir toutes les luttes anti-impérialistes et les guerres populaires.
  • Contribuer à la nouvelle unité des partis communistes sur les bases de l’internationalisme prolétarien et de l’affirmation du marxisme-léninisme-maoïsme comme seule voie de la révolution.

Paris le 1er Mai 2008

03 aprile 2008

Election in Italy (Joint declaration by Maoist Communist Party of Italy & Communist Platform)

in Italy two communist organisation proletari comunisti-Pcm Italy and Communist Platform have issued a common declaration and call about italian elections 13 avril --

We call all the communist and revolutionary forces, the struggle organizations, the class union organizations to subscribe the common statement below:

In the past years the proletarians and people’s masses of Italy have experienced centre-right governments lead by Berlusconi as well as centre-left governments lead by Prodi and D’Alema, including the “communist” parties [PRC and PdCI].

These governments attacked and worsened the conditions of live and work. In these years we have undergone cut of the wages – also because of the high cost of the livelihood; precariousness – result of the Biagi and Treu laws; “white murders” before increasing profits; cut of the pensions and social services before growing financial transfers for the owners and military expenses. The toiling masses got poorer and poorer while profits and financial gains grew up.

A reactionary restructuring process of the State and the society advanced, in authoritarian and modern fascist forms that generalized emergency laws, repression and a climate of police State.

The Moratti reform, that the Prodi's government has maintained, worsened the conditions of the youth.

The condition of the women at the work and in the social life is more and more under attack; led by the Vatican, a clerical-fascist attack advances against the right of abortion and the self-determination of the women.

The persecution of the communists, the proletarian and class organization has gone on while the fascists have been protected and the militant anti-fascists criminalized.

The racist laws against the migrants adopted by the Berlusconi government have been essentially maintained under the Prodi’s government, while aggressions and a climate of pogrom escalated.

The imperialist role of Italy in Afghanistan and Lebanon, in alliance/subordination with US, intensified. Italy supported the Puppet State in Kosovo and persists developing military bases and new armaments. The people struggling for the health, against the high speed trains or the crisis of rubbish, met the repression and the denial of their demands. The bribery and the system of politician caste lasted and expanded at the shade of the centre-left.

For these reasons we communists call the proletarians and the masses to say NO to both the form of the bourgeois government, ready to join a big anti-workers coalition.

We call to advance in the class and mass struggle in all the social and political battles, to fight for an alternative to these governments: a WORKERS GOVERNMENT, emerging from the struggling movement of the exploited and oppressed masses, supported by the base and struggle organizations of the proletarians and the masses, marching toward the socialist alternative.

We want a workers, anti-capitalist and truly democratic and popular government, that will satisfies the political and economic demands of the toiling masses and will realize radical changes, expropriating the major means of production and exchange, and putting them under the control of the working class so to open the road to the transformation of the whole economic and social order toward the socialism.

The formula “workers government” today serves the propaganda of the communists’ solutions of the problem of the daily life of the proletarians and people’s masses.

Through that we make clear that for the working class and the people’s masses there are not parliamentary solutions of their fundamental problems, and that only the working class can give birth to a government that will not bow down before the altar of the profits and the bourgeois institutions, but rather will strive to overcome the crisis defeating the capitalism.

It helps to propagandize and give again dignity and strength to the perspective of the proletarian power, the socialism end the communism.

proletari comunisti,
piattaforma comunista
April 2008

01 aprile 2008

proletari comunisti & the elections

from the last issue of proletari comunisti, no. 3, March 2008.

The fall of the Prodi’s government is first of all the result of the crisis of consent that expanded and deepened among the ranks of the workers and people masses. The policies of this government followed the stream of Berlusconi as regards the economic and social measures, internal affairs, foreign policy. All the great expectations, coming also from the support given to this government by the parties supposed representing the workers interests, have been disappointed.

The past October 20, one million people marched on the street organised by the Rifondazione Comunista Party to press the government so it could gain consent and confidence. But the accord on the pensions and the social welfare and the following Financial Law immediately betrayed this confidence. The government had already exhausted the reserve of consent on the issues of the democracy and peace along with the building of a new NATO base in Vicenza, the occupation of Afghanistan, the “security package” etc.

This weakening of the government led the owners and the different mafias inside itself to feel this administration inadequate. The “Mastella Affair” is only the last of a series of episodes that might bring the collapse. However, this affair brought at the light the caste arrogance that characterised also the Prodi’s government. The round of applause given in the parliament in defence of Mastella by almost all the centre-left majority joint with the centre-right opposition has widened their distance from the masses and the crisis of reliability.

The official left forces appear pathetic and risible when they argue that so far the government has “acted bad” toward the masses – a true admission – but just when it was to “act good” someone made it fall. Beside the crisis of consent, an internal contradiction came up along with the birth of the Democratic Party and the rising leadership of Veltroni. This showed to the bourgeoisie a chance for even more rightist policies. Through the Berlusconi/Veltroni convergence, they will be able to march more quickly toward a “strong” government and state.

Therefore, the anticipated elections are a necessary move to form a more adequate government for the ruling class. A cheating game with a known end: the votes will not decide the form of the government but only the composition.

To demolish every electoral illusion among the workers and the people’s masses is still the first task for the genuine communists, now more than ever. The crisis of consent among the masses expressed itself with important movements of struggle. So far they have not found a representation or the necessary political weight to really produce a crisis “from left” and a new scenario in which the workers and the people’s masses can influence in a determining way the formation of the government, the program and the strength balance with the State and the owners.

The next government, no matter who will win the Berlusconi/Veltroni competition, will march in with a more and more accelerate pace toward the building of what we call, with a simplified formula, a regime of modern fascism and police State.

We say modern fascism because the ideological, cultural and programmatic common cement of the parties competing for the government is given by the absolute primacy of the capitalist dictatorship, by their deep-down anti-communism, by a new corporative system of industrial relationships, by the projects of a reactionary change of the Constitution, to clear the elements coming from the Resistance.

It is a “modern” fascism, adequate to the Italy, the Europe, the world system in the 2008, like that existing in the imperialist US or that advancing in well sharp form in the France of Sarkozy.

The close nexus between the building of such a regime and the police State is shown by how they turn the social struggles into problems of public order and adopt “security packages” to armour the State, make the repressive forces sacred and channel the reactionary humus they widely spread among the masses toward a totalitarian form of State.

The reactionary ideology of the State stands against every issue of the social and political struggle: the life in the factories as well as the problem of the rubbish or the rights of women and migrants. The electoral competition between the major parties does not move between two alternatives solutions but on the politic personnel that will apply the sole solution.

In order to outline the role of the communists before this elections and in this political phase, we need start from the advanced factors coming up from the class struggle, the proletarian and mass movements under the Prodi’s government.

The workers refusing the accord on the pensions and welfare state and some advanced sectors of the struggle for the wage, out of the control of the official unions, the uprising of Naples and the Campania, the demo of the women on 24th of November, the demos against the repression, the different forms of resistance in the cultural life, all these form a composite and still fragile movement, but it is an important ground of strength accumulation for a genuine movement of opposition that will gain strength every time it gets separate from the two bourgeois poles, every time it shows another politics based on another understanding, another program, that opposes also the reactionary populism and the anti-politics of the petit bourgeoisie.

To unite this struggle movement, to carry out the proletarian leadership in different forms, to develop a united front based on the autonomous and independent organization of the masses, to uphold the strategy and tactics of a protracted “war” in the clash with the bourgeoisie and its two poles, this is the role of the communists and the workers militant vanguards in distinction from two currently harmful ways.

The first one is to participate with own lists at the elections. Far from to facilitate the entry of the proletarians in the “toy theatre of the politics” or to represent there the issues of the masses, it brings confusion, marginalization and ideological corruption. To use the metaphor of the “toy theatre”, it reduce the proletarian and mass movement into a “walk-on”.

The other equally harmful danger is given by the anarchist-economist or new populist forms of escape from the current political tasks. To forge in the fire of the class struggle the necessary tools to develop the class struggle – the communist party of new type, the class union, the united opposition front – even the specific electoral process demands the just slogans to give a sole reference to the entire movement of opposition, a direction to give concreteness to the autonomous role of the working class and the proletarians.

The slogan “neither centre-right or centre-left, workers government” serves this goal.

It is important that it wins the ranks of the working class and becomes a reference for the whole movement of opposition. In this electoral campaign to state “the struggle, not the vote” is not enough. We need to bring vigorously the slogan of “another government” that will express another understanding of the government, the State, the politics. Another power.

The “workers government” today serves also the propaganda of the communists solutions of the problems of the daily life of the proletarians and the people’s masses, of the perspective of the proletarian power, of the socialism and communism.

Therefore, the work of the communists aims to unite, strengthen and increase the actual opposition against the two bourgeois poles to turn it into the base of the opposition against the new government that will come from the elections.

proletari comunisti
PCm Italy