23 febbraio 2005

Italian workers in support of people's war in Nepal

(Statements in English and Italian)

The following motion has been proposed by the Nepal Solidarity Commitees, Italy and approved by the workers of Taranto

To the Nepali People
To fighters of the People's War
To the United Revolutionary People's Council
To the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
To the Chairman Prachanda

We workers,

support the liberation struggle that the people's masses, mostly poor peasants, the proletarians, the youth and the women have been carrying forward during the last 9 years in Nepal, raising the flag of the rebellion, because they do not want be poor and oppressed, they do not want be the country of the super-exploited working and prostitute children, they do not want be the country of the violence on the women, the country where the poor are poorer and the rich are richer, they do not want be the country exotic and exclusive destination for mountaineer tourists in the shade of a feudal regime servant of the imperialism.

Their liberation struggle has won two third of the country, it has freed the energies of the masses and their need of freedom and democracy, it has established the basis for the people's government, it has encircled the state capital, Kathmandu, where it has mobilised the workers in strike, the masses of the students, the progressive intellectuals, the social strata seeking the national self-determination.

We denounce the king Gyanendra, the murderer of his own relatives, and the coup he made in the past weeks, sacking the parliament and the ministers that he ruled and controlled, with the explicit aim to launch an extermination war against the rebelling masses, helped by the western imperialism, mainly the US, and by the Indian government, that seeks to continue its hegemony on this country. A regime that bombs and destroys the villages in its own country in order to save it bloody rule. Now more than ever it need to break the silence on what is happening in this country, to take side with the Nepali masses and their liberation war, to support a mobilise in every form.

We cannot remember these proletarian and people only when the seaquake and the negligence of the world rulers bring to light the scenes of poverty and death they live everyday. For us, for the workers to be on the same side with this oppressed suffering humanity means support those in these countries struggle to end the existing state of the things. All the imperialists, including the Berlusconi government, have launched an endless war against the oppressed people throughout the world. While its epicentre is now the Middle East, from Iraq to Palestine, its goal is to dominate the world and to perpetuate the war and the oppression. Before them, those who oppose the wars of the world owners must give the maximum support to those are fighting a battle for the death or the life against the imperialism, paying with their blood their liberation struggle to break the chains of the exploitation and of the imperialism in every corner of the world.

The Workers of the Ilva, Sma Puglia, cleansing firms, precarious and LSU
Taranto, Italia, 17.2.05

Al popolo nepalese
ai combattenti della guerra popolare
al Consiglio Unificato Rivoluzionario del Popolo
al Partito Comunista del Nepal (maoista)
al presidente Prachanda

Noi operai e lavoratori

appoggiamo la lotta di liberazione che da 9 anni in Nepal le masse popolari, in gran parte contadini poveri, i proletari, i giovani, le donne, stanno portando avanti impugnando la bandiera della ribellione, perché non vogliono più miseria ed oppressione, non vogliono essere più il paese del lavoro supersfruttato dei bambini, della prostituzione infantili e, non vogliono essere più il paese della violenza sulle donne, il paese dove i poveri sono più poveri e i ricchi più ricchi, non vogliono essere più un paese meta di un turismo esotico e di elite di alpinisti all'ombra di un regime feudale asservito all'imperialismo.

La lotta di liberazione ha conquistato due terzi del paese, ha liberato leenergie delle masse e il bisogno di libertà e di democrazia, ha instaurato le basi del governo popolare, ha accerchiato la capitale Katmandu mobilitando al suo interno gli scioperi operai, le masse studentesche, gli intellettuali progressisti, i ceti sociali che vogliono l'autodeterminazione nazionale.

Noi denunciamo che contro questa guerra popolare il Re Gyanendra, già massacratore della sua stessa famiglia, ha fatto nelle settimane scorse un colpo di Stato, sciogliendo il parlamento e il governo da egli stesso controllato e dominato, con l'obiettivo esplicito di una guerra di sterminio con l'aiuto dell'imperialismo occidentale, principalmente americano e del governo indiano che vuole continuare ad avere egemonia su questo paese, contro le masse che si ribellano. Un regime e un governo che bombardano e distruggono i villaggi del proprio stesso paese pur di conservare il proprio sporco dominio.

Ora più che mai è necessario rompere il silenzio su ciò che avviene in questo paese, essere dalla parte delle masse nepalesi e della loro guerra di liberazione, sostenerla emobilitarsi in tutte le forme. Non ci possiamo ricordare che esistono questi proletari e popoli quando maremoti e incuria colpevole dei governi e dei padroni del mondo ne mostrano gli scenari di miseria e morte. Per noi lavoratori essere dalla parte di questa umanità oppressa e sofferente, significa sostenere chi in questi paesi lotta per la liberazione e per mettere fine a questo stato di cose esistenti.

Di fronte al fatto che l'imperialismo americano e tutti gli imperialisti compreso quello italiano con il governo Berlusconi stanno scatenando una guerra infinita contro i popoli oppressi del mondo che ha ora il suo epicentro nel Medio Oriente, dall'Irak alla Palestina, e che ha come obiettivo il dominio mondiale e l'eternità della guerra e dell'oppressione, Chi è contro le guerre dei padroni non può che dare il massimo sostegno a chi contro l'imperialismo combatte una battaglia di vita e di morte, chi paga col sangue la propria lotta di liberazione come parte della lotta di liberazione in ogni angolo del mondo dalle catene dalle catene dellosfruttamento e dell'oppressione dell'imperialismo.

operai e lavoratori Ilva /Sma puglia/ ditte di pulizia/ precari e lsu
Taranto Italia

20 febbraio 2005

Palermo Maoist youth march in solidarity with People's War in Nepal

Redblock and Nepal Solidarity Committee (Palermo, Italy)


Responding to the call of the Nepal Solidarity Committees promoted by the Maoist Communist Party OF Italy (PCm), to go on the street and demonstrate to support the people's war in Nepal, that is celebrating its 9th anniversary, the Maoist youth of "Redblock" organized a manifestation, and vain have been the attempts of the police to stop soon the march that ended in front of the US Consulate.

Friday 18th February 2005, a group of Maoist youth, at the head of hundred other young people marched against the imperialist war and in support the people's war in Nepal. Young people and students in Palermo, so as in other Italian towns, continue to protest against the warmonger and anti-popular Berlusconi government. Such government carries on a lot of horrible reforms, like that of the Minister Moratti, which aims at destroying the public school and below the funds to the school to give them to the army so as to continue the occupation of Iraq. The comrades shouted different slogans like: "Imperialist war can be stopped, only if people's war advances", "From Nepal to Peru, people's war is advancing even more".

During the demonstration the police began the wicked repression like servants of power. In fact just after a mile the police tried to stop the comrades and wanted to remove the big banner on which was written: "Against the imperialist war, support the people's war in Nepal".

The Maoists defended the banner and the right to demonstrate and after moments of tension, during which the policemen prepared to assault with their usual manner of wearing shields and helmets, the march ended in front of the American consulate. There were chanted a lot of slogan against the USA and its imperialist war, against the Italian government and its "police state" that is destroying the fundamental rights of the people, specially the freedom of opinion, the right to write own ideas and the dissent against a state that is advancing in the construction of a regime of modern fascism that oppresses the masses. The comrades denounced to the journalists the gravity of the police attitude that remembers the fascist censorship.

To resist it's not a crime, their repression don't stop but will feed our rebellion!

Nepal Solidarity Committee

13 febbraio 2005

Message for the anniversary of the People's War in Nepal (By PCm - Central Committee)

We salute on behalf of the proletariat and the popular masses, youth and women, militants and revolutionary and anti imperialist forces in our country, the 9th anniversary of the glorious beginning of the people's war in Nepal guided by the CPN(M), that following the Prachanda Path is applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the concrete conditions of Nepal.

The beginning of revolutionary war in Nepal, 9 years ago, has drawn, from the Andean to Himalaya, the red thread of retaking the people's war indicated by Mao Tsetung as a universal path valid in each country for overthrowing the imperialist system and for the advent on a world scale of socialism and communism.

The people's war in Nepal has displayed to the world that on the legs of people's wars goes the achievement of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and in particular of Maoism, and at the same time the achievement of the aggregation point of marxist-leninist-maoist parties and organizations of the world, that is the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement that has celebrated its 20th anniversary of its foundation.

The people's war in Nepal has shaken to its foundations not only the feudal regime of the Nepalese monarchy submitted to the imperialism, but the whole political and social contest of south Asia, triggering off and feeding the path of people's war in the whole area and the construction and development of Maoist, communist parties.

It's a heavy blow to imperialism that influences the world balance of forces between revolution and counterrevolution. Here is the striking affirmation that the principal contradiction in the world today is between imperialism and oppressed peoples, and that revolution is the main tendency in the world.

And it is not only a blow given to imperialism. But first of all it is a deadly blow to revisionism and opportunism that in different ways and with different arguments support the parliamentarian and peaceful path, which, as always, serves only to accompany and strengthen the power of imperialism and of the reactionary regimes on proletarians and peoples.

We salute the strategic offensive, opened by the great blockade of Kathmandu of august 2004, that puts on the agenda the conquest of power on a national scale, for the creation of a new democracy, the Nepalese peoples republic, marching towards socialism.

The strategic offensive of the people's war moves itself dialectically with the resistance of peoples, in particular in the area that today is the epicentre of world situation, the middle east, from Iraq to Palestine; and all together they demonstrate that it is not the imperialism that is on the offensive but, instead, the proletarians and the peoples.

In the very heart of imperialist countries, imperialism and its lackeys try to pass over in silence the advancing of the people's war in Nepal, so as they have already done, and continue, with the people's war in Peru and with every and each revolutionary struggle that marches on this path. They know very well that the revolutionary message coming from the peoples wars guided by Maoists serves and feeds the preparations and the beginning of peoples wars even in the very heart of the imperialist countries, first of all through the ideological and political nourishment that it gives to the constitution and construction of new Maoist, communist parties for peoples' war.

This process finds in the Communist Maoist Party in Italy its banner, and its point of reference and perspective.

To celebrate the 9th anniversary of the people's war in Nepal, to support it in all forms, it means first of all and principally to make people's war, make revolution in own country, focus attention and affirm the triumphant force of Maoism, uniting in the practice of revolution the two currents of the world proletarian revolution: the proletariat of the imperialist countries and the by imperialism oppressed peoples.

Revisionism and opportunism fight against this process, they work to divide and oppose the peoples wars, to separate authentic Maoist communist parties in both epicentres of revolution. Revisionism and opportunism, although if they hail solidarity to peoples' war, they does it to give a coating of Maoism to a line that negates the creative application in own country.

That march forward of the popular masses in Nepal, and within it, the enthusiastic advancing of the Nepalese women, is greeted in our country with different initiatives of proletarians, women, youth in person, who, there where our party is present, organize enthusiastic and struggling meetings, embodying the authentic spirit of proletarian internationalism, that is, the unity, the real embrace of proletarians and masses who are constructing, in the midst of struggles and peoples' war, a world without imperialism and exploitation, without wars and oppressions, a world of freedom and democracy of masses that embodies in a society that stays in the hands of the proletariat and in the communism.

The coup of the hated Nepalese king is only a sign of desperation, the attempt to invert the march of the history of Nepalese people and to call and accelerate the direct intervention of Yankee imperialism and Indian hegemonism. A desperate move that will accelerate its defeat. A call up to arms for the imperialism that throws back to itself because it appeals to mobilization and to support to the peoples' war the proletarians and the masses of the world.

That's what we do now, what we will do always more and to what we call parties and organizations of each orientation in our country and on a world scale.







