10 novembre 2005

exchange between PCm-I & CARC on "Maoist Revolution" e-list

1) 26 Oct 2005
A Brasilian comrade supporter of PW in Nepal, C Tavares, re-posted an article by CARC called "Red Flag on Everest" from their magazine Resistenza #9, along with their own translation of it into Portuguese. This person is not affiliated with either CARC or PCm-I.

2) 30 Oct 2005
response by PCm-I:
camaradas esto grupo non es né importante , né pro-nepal. in todos estos anos no habia nunca mas hecho una iniciativa de solidaridad habia boicottado campanas de Comitati solidarietà nepal, organisadas por PCm Italia. esto es un grupo elettorero que habia apoyado Prodi e il revisionismo in nombre de la lucha contro berlusconi


3) 31 Oct 2005
response by CARC:
To MAOIST_REVOLUTION@yahoogroups.com

Dear comrades, we read that an article entitled Red Flag on Everest, sent to you by us, has been translated in Portuguese. We are grateful to the comrade who did it. We read also that an Italian group, the PC m-Italy, makes on this the following comment, in Spanish language:

“Camaradas esto grupo non es né importante, né pro-Nepal. in todo esto anos no habia nunca mash echo una iniciativa de solidaridad habia boicottado campanas de Comitati solidarietà Nepal, organisada por PCm Italia. esto es un grupo elettorero que habia apoyado Prodi e il revisionismo in nombre de la lucha contro Berlusconi”

We don’t want to begin a debate between us and the PCm –Italy in this mailing list, but it is right and necessary to answer to its comment.

First of all, we are not a group but a party. Our party has a relevant importance in the history of the Italian communist and revolutionary movement of the last decades. Among the other things, since our birth till today, we had to face a hard and constant repression and many denigrating campaigns by the imperialist bourgeoisie, which continues to believe that we are particularly dangerous. Giuseppe Maj, one of the founder of our organization, today member of the (new) Italian Communist Party, is today imprisoned in France together with two our comrades: Giuseppe Czeppel and Angelo d’Arcangeli, who both belonged to our organization. They all are imprisoned under the accusation of terrorism but actually they are persecuted because they are communists, as happens all over the world and as happened in Italy during the fascist dictatorship. We strongly support these comrades, and all the revolutionary prisoners. Everybody can find any other information about us in our website (www.carc.it).

It is true that we have not done any initiative of solidarity with Nepal. This is because our international activity is still not much developed. This does not prevent us to express our solidarity to the Nepalese popular masses and to the party which lead them. This does not prevent us to give the widest information, as well as we can, about the struggle and the war in Nepal. The expressions of solidarity and the information are useful and don’ t damage anyone except the class enemy. When we shall be able to do more than this for the Nepalese people we shall do it.

Regarding our international activity, comrades of our party work in the Proletarian Solidarity Association, which participates to the International League of People Struggle (ILPS)

It is not true that we have boycotted campaigns for solidarity to Nepal or of any other kind, organized by the PCm Italy.

Our position regarding the bourgeois election and the participation in it can be an argument under discussion, but not a reason for denigration. Our seriousness and our fidelity to the cause of communism is well known in Italy and abroad, and it is testified by our resistance against the bourgeois repression that ruthlessly continues against us with inquiries, house searches, confiscation of documents and instruments, intimidations. It is also testified by our will and our practice for the unity in the struggle against repression, against imperialism, for the defense of the rights and the conquest of the working class and the popular masses. We intend to participate to this list with the intention of develop the unity and the debate among the communist parties and organizations, and we don’t want to use it for denigrate anybody.

Regarding the PCm – Italy, we don’t know anything about the activity of this group in our nation. We know the activity of the group Proletari Comunisti, with which we collaborate some year ago, and we know of a relation about them and this party, but we don’t know nothing about it except its e-mail messages on the international level.

Thank you,
In solidarity

Paolo Babini, (responsible person for the international relations of CARC)

4) 2 Nov 2005
response by PCm-I:
The letters of Committees Supporting Resistance – For Communism (carc) confirm that our evaluation is not a 'denigration' but all true.

It 's true that carc-npci does not make actions for supporting peoples war in nepal and is hypocrisy to say that is 'because their international activity is not developed' - they make many activies for other ploblems international, with supporting groups revisionist in latin america and europe, but 'nada de nada' for nepal.

It's true that they boycott activities in italy of Comitati solidarietà Nepal (Nepal Solidarity Committee's) because they Know this activities always and also Carc has been called for costitution these commitees, for partecipateing national meeting, diffusing 'nepal-guerrapopolare', and books in italian of PCN(m) (CPN[M]) -Li Onesto reportage etc.

About PCm- italy (Maoist Communist Party) in Italy they answer themselves to the question speaking about 'proletari comunisti' - but it's funny their approach for pseudo 'supporter of' clandestine party.

Our denoince is not a denigration or sectarian position but only to affirm that it needs struggle agaist 'false' marxist-leninist-maoist or groups of 'revisionist and electoralist' groups that with their action denigre truely marxism-leninism-maoism and the struggle for party construction in italy as in Europe, their recent support to People's War in nepal is a mask for tryng 'credit' in MCI and in Mri

(Maoist Communist Party) in Italy
november 2005

5) 2 Nov 2005
response by C Tavares:

I ask for permission to give an opinion about this matter of the discussion between PCm-Italy and Committees Supporting Resistance – Is Communism (CARC). Both Italian organizations tell marxist leninistas maoístas, both organizations say supporting the popular war in Nepal.

The left in general already and so divided. why the Italian maoístas do not try if unify, or at least do it establish common actions?

The differences between both organizations seems to me small, in front of the great work of organizing the revolutionary popular fight socialist against the capital and the imperialism.

revolutionary greetings to everybody
C Tavares, of Brazil

6) 5 Nov 2005
response by PCm-I:
comrade c.tavares are you a pope?

In Italy there are not "two organisations marxist-leninist-maoist" there is our Party between parties and organisations that have founded RIM in 1984, that there are 11 years that support PCN(m) Nepal, People's War in Nepal, as Communist Party Of Peru (PCP), People War in Peru, etc.

And there is a 'party' Neorevisionist and electoralist group that does not support if with 'words' 'texts' Communist Party Of Peru (PCP), Communist Party Of Nepal (CPNM), People's War, etc and does not engaged in revolutionary process in Italy and in the struggle for People War in Italy, but his task is esactly the opposite.

We call always all peoples and all organisations to build and participate in the COMITATI SOLIDARIETA' NEPAL [Committees Solidarity Nepal].

Why don't participate carc-nPCI 'party' ?

These are facts, dear comrade.

7) 5 Nov 2005
response by C Tavares:

I do not be the pope, not even I am Catholic, understand that the illustration of the Catholic pope be extremely respected in the current Italy republican.

I understand same this reference as extremely disrespectful. I am a marxist leninista. For me the Catholic pope should be hung with the bowels of last bourgeois lackey of the land of Garibaldi.

I just regret that my initiative of translate a text of the Italian comrades has result in this crise.

I will not pronounce me.

sorry by my bad english.

communist greetings


Não sou o papa, nem mesmo sou católico, apesar de entender que a figura do papa católico seja extremamente respeitada na atual Itália republicana.

Entendo mesmo essa referência como extremamente desrespeitosa. Sou uma marxista leninista. Para mim o papa católico deveria ser enforcado com as tripas dos ultimo lacaio burguês da terra de Garibaldi.

Apenas lamento que minha iniciativa de traduzir um texto dos camaradas italianos tenha resultado nesta celeuma.

Não me pronunciarei.

Que se manifeste o RIM.

Saudações comunistas

8) 8 Nov 2005
response by CARC:
To the comrades of MAOIST_REVOLUTION

We are not interested in carrying on the polemic aroused by the Maoist Communist Party (PCm - Italy) against our party, nor in answering to the offences against us and against the comrade who translated our article about Nepal. We are interested in the open debate and the cohoperation in the antiimperialist struggle, in the struggle against repression, in the struggle for the defence of the rights and the conquests of the popular masses, and we do it. We are interested on the support and propaganda on the struggle of the Nepalese popular masses and of the party that leads them, and we shall do it.

With revolutionary greetings,
Paolo Babini, responsible of CARC for the International Relations