23 maggio 2005

All India Anti-Repression Week: The actions in Italy.

Statement signed by proletari comunisti [Communist Proletarians] and Comitati Solidarietà Nepal (Nepal Solidarity Committees)

In Italy, in Rome and Milan initiatives were held observing the Anti-repression week.

In Milan
in front of the local consulate, the morning of the 19th of May the comrades spread as leaflet, amongst the migrants walking to and from consulate offices, the call for the International Week written by the All Indian People's Resistance Forum (AIPRF) and the Struggling Forum for People's Resistance (SFPR). In the afternoon of the same day, in the same place, the activists of the Maoist newspaper proletari comunisti and of the Nepal Solidarity Committees had a protest. They posted on the walls of the building large banners on which were painted the slogan of the Week and several panels which explaining the situation of the repression in India and exposing the regime claiming itself the "biggest democracy in the world".

In Rome
The 20th of May the comrade had a protest in front of the Indian Embassy there they also exposed the same banners and panels and were received by an official of the Embassy to which they consigned a document about the reason of the protest asking the end of the massacres against the revolutionaries and the people's movment in India and the respect of the people's rights. During both the initiatives the comrades had speeches exposing the hypocrisy of the Indian government that on one hand speaks about "dialogue" with the "socio-economical" issues raised by the revolutionaries and on the other smashes any resistance movement and political organized opposition with vicious assaults and at the same time supports the feudal-fascist Nepali regime illegally detaining and extraditing Nepali Maoists.

The criminal repression in India has been unveiled as a need for the reactionary regime in order to serve the penetration of the imperialist capitals and super-exploitation (what they call "globalization") and to prevent the spreading throughout the South Asia of the people's war.

proletari comunisti
Comitati Solidarietà Nepal