8th of March: Honour to comrade Rosa
The 8th of March 2004 a turkish comrade, leader of the Democratic Women Movement was in Palermo, Italy, where she met the comrades of the Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement and then attended at an enthusiast meeting and feast of the proletarian women.
She was the comrade "Rosa", leader of the MKP murdered by the fascist Turkish regime together with 15 her comrades, the 166th of June 2005 near Dersim.
The memory of her still lives amongst the comrades of the revolutionary women movement, of the Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement, generated organization of the Partito Comunista maoista - Italia, nourishes our rebellion and strengthen us in the battle to put the women in the first line in the revolution and in the construction of the maoist communist party.
Rosa struggle with us!
Her ideas will never die!
Down with the fascist Turkish regime!
Death to the imperialism!
People's war until communism!
Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement
Partito Comunista maoista - Italia
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