25 aprile 2006

For a big leap in support of Nepali Revolution in Italy

The Nepal Solidarity Committtee partecipate the joy of the Nepali people who for 17 day is challenging, fighting and bending the reactionary regime of king Gyanendra, supported by the India state and the west imperialism. A Nepali journalist form his jail wrote: "I wish to be in the streets to be part of this historical people's Tsunami".

The red flag of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) leads the people struggle uniting the whole people, while the People's Liberation Army led by the CPN(M) surrounds the cities, establishes the red power that controls yet broad parts of the country and guides the masses toward the new Republic of Nepal, a new democratic state marching to the socialism.

The Nepali revolution, between the two giants of the South Asia, shows to the proletarians and the peoples of the world the strength of the people's war, the strength of the genuine communism, the strength of the Maoism, before which the reactionary classes and the imperialism tremble.

Now the news about the Nepal occupy the first page in the newspapers, but the Nepal Solidarity Committees have been since the begin the vehicle to spread information and make this great people's war know and during these years, through meetings, demonstrations, issues, they helped to make closer its liaison with the proletarian and workers vanguards, particularly in the South and among the Cobas.

Inside the Nepal Solidarity Committees, the young comrades organized protests, the women made known the understanding and the organization of their Nepali sisters and comrades involved in the people's war who are turning the Nepali revolution into an inspiring example of the struggle to shatter all the chains.

The Nepal Solidarity Committees made that struggling every day against the wall of silence, the political blindness and the opportunism of the movement against the imperialist globalization in our country and against the parasitic groups, that under various vests try to boycott the proletarian and mass development of the internationalist solidarity with the Nepali people. Now the march of the people's war, the international attention on it, make possible a qualitative, political and organizational big leap.

Let's go to Nepal! Let's contribute to the Nepali revolution! Let's support the call by the Maoist Youth of the Red Block for an international brigade of study, work and solidarity to form up as soon as possible! Let's mobilize the working class the people masses for a political strike in solidarity with the Nepali People in twinship with the prolonged Nepal national strike!

Let's make clear that at the root of the Everest is going on a geopolitical battle that interest not only the proletariat but all the people and our entire country. "Also the future of the Europe depends on the relationship between China and India. That is why we must pay a lot of attention at the small Nepal", the bourgeois press
writes. Well, let' mobilize all the people's and democratic forces in our country so that the new government and the new parliament takes position in favour of the Nepali people, so that they break any relationship with the regime of Gyanendra and support the issue of the Nepali people and the CPN(M) that leads it, getting ready to recognize the democratic republic of Nepal in the hands of the people.

Comitati di solidarietà Nepal

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